La ponctuation est utilisée pour donner un sens aux phrases, les rendre plus claires et les accentuer.
On peut rapidement s’apercevoir de l’importance de la ponctuation en lisant cette phrase qui ne contient aucune ponctuation :
perhaps you dont always need to use commas periods colons etc to make sentences clear when i am in a hurry tired cold lazy or angry i sometimes leave out punctuation marks grammar is stupid i can write without it and dont need it my uncle Harry once said he was not very clever and i never understood a word he wrote to me i think ill learn some punctuation not too much enough to write to Uncle Harry he needs some help
Voyons maintenant la différence après avoir ponctué les phrases !
Perhaps you don't always need to use commas, periods, colons etc. to make sentences clear. When I am in a hurry, tired, cold, lazy, or angry I sometimes leave out punctuation marks. "Grammar is stupid! I can write without it and don't need it," my uncle Harry once said. He was not very clever, and I never understood a word he wrote to me. I think I'll learn some punctuation - not too much, enough to write to Uncle Harry. He needs some help!
Utilisez la section ponctuation pour apprendre à clarifier et mieux organiser votre anglais.
- le point final
- la virgule
- le point d'exclamation
- le point d'interrogation
- les deux-points
- le point-virgule
- les guillemets
- l’apostrophe
- le trait d’union et le tiret
- les parenthèses et les crochets